
Help on Logging in to the Mobile Site

Username and Password

  • Your username is your default email address
  • Some users may have alternate login usernames. However, email aliases cannot be used as login usernames.
  • Your password is case sensitive.
  • Your username must be entered in all lower case

Web Browsers

Any web modern browser should work.

Login Problems

If you have forgotten your password, use the "Password Reset" button, if provided, or contact your account administrator or LuxSci support for assistance.

Customers with Single Sign On enabled are not permitted to login to the Mobile Site; the Mobile Site does not support SSO


If you have enabled multi-factor authentication, then you will be required to usea second factor after you have entered your username and password successfully. You will not be able to login without using both your username/password and your second factor.

Pre-Filling the Login Form

You can pre-fill your login form by constructing links to the login page with certain parameters in the query string. Add:

  • username=youremail@address — to have the Username field pre-filled with a specified username.